Ant-Man terá novo uniforme no filme 'Captain America Civil War'

22:30 CineNotícias 0 Comments

 Com tantos super-heróis a aparecerem em Captain America Civil War, não é surpresa nenhuma que o mais pequeno deles todos passa-se ao nosso lado. Enquanto sabiamos que Paul Rudd e "Ant-Man", a nova aquisição ao universo Marvel fosse fazer parte de Civil War, foi apenas mais recentemente que vimos produtos de Ant-Man no mercado. 

Agora descobrimos que Ant-Man terá um novo uniforme e como vemos na imagem acima e claro os novos updates. 

Fonte: cinemablend

With so many heroes making appearances in Captain America: Civil War, it’s not surprising that the, well, smallest of them would tend to be overlooked. While we knew that Paul Rudd and Ant-Man, the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, would be part of Civil War, it’s only recently that we’ve begun to actually see the character in the marketing. Now, we’ve had our first clear look at the Ant-Man suit and it appears to have received some upgrades.
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With so many heroes making appearances in Captain America: Civil War, it’s not surprising that the, well, smallest of them would tend to be overlooked. While we knew that Paul Rudd and Ant-Man, the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, would be part of Civil War, it’s only recently that we’ve begun to actually see the character in the marketing. Now, we’ve had our first clear look at the Ant-Man suit and it appears to have received some upgrades.
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